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[The Music Room]

Leisure: Games and Hobbies

The utmost importance is attached to training the boys in the right use of leisure. There are, of course, the usual highly organized outdoor team games, Rugby and Association Football and Cricket, in each of which the boys are coached by members of the Staff who are themselves experts. All boys are expected to take an active part in these games unless they are exempted by a medical certificate or are not in normal health. House Competitions also introduce the team spirit into Tennis, Fives, Swimming and the Athletic Sports. All these forms of outdoor recreation are controlled by the boys themselves through the medium of the Games Committee, which consists of the Captain of the School, the Captains of the Houses, the Secretary of the Games: the House Masters also attend and the Headmaster presides over the meetings. Minutes are kept in the recognized way and thus the boys become acquainted with the methods of public life in which they may be called to participate in later years.

Clubs and Societies

During leisure hours the boys have a choice of many activities. There are Scientific, Dramatic and Debating Societies and a School Choir, an Orchestra and Scouts; numbers of boys have become King's Scouts. Chess, Table Tennis and other games are played. Every boy is encouraged to have at least one hobby; the hobbies may include Wireless, Photography, Model Engineering, Carpentry, Cycling, Stamps, Microscopy, etc.; Musical Appreciation is one of the most popular. A Shakespearian Play is produced each year.

All these activities are stimulated and supervised by members of the Staff who are admirably skilled to guide the boys whilst allowing them, at the same time, to organize and develop their enthusiasms in their own way. By this method every boy finds some channel for self-expression.

In the Reading Room boys are encourage to read the daily newspapers intelligently, and additions are continually being made to the General Library of some thousands of books. The Reference Library of technical and expensive books is used by the Sixth Form and others who obtain special permission. It is especially rich in the modern language section.