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The C.V. Thomas Boarding Scholarships for Advanced Work are tenable at the College. They are usually awarded to boys who have already matriculated.

In choosing a school for their sons, parents will naturally ask what leaving scholarships are available, should the boys wish to proceed to a University or Technical College of University rank. Compared with other similar schools, Launceston is unusually well equipped in this respect.

The Horwell Foundation administers funds of up to £200 per annum largely for the benefit of boys educated at Launceston College.

The Dunheved Scholarship was founded by the Old Boys and is confined to boys attending the College.

There are also the Dyke Scholarships of £100 per annum: The Stapledon Scholarships at Exeter College, Oxford: The Cornwall Country Scholarships of £80 per annum: The Rows Scholarship of £100 per annum tenable at Oxford or Cambridge: State Scholarships of £100 per annum awarded on the result of the Higher Certificate Examination: The C.V. Thomas Exhibitions up to £100 per annum: The Elliott Exhibition of £60 per annum: Mining Scholarships of £45 per annum at the Camborne Mining School; Horticultural Scholarships of £60 per annum tenable at Reading University.

At the University College of the South West, Exeter, there are six Open Scholarships of £60 per annum: Devon War Memorial Scholarships up to £75 per annum: The Canon Chappell Scholarships of £60 per annum: The Sir Richard Grenville Scholarship of £75 per annum: and others.

Full particulars of the conditions attached to any of these scholarships may be obtained from the Headmaster.