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[The Lounge]

Religious Instruction

The Religious Instruction at Launceston College is entirely non-sectarian. It aims at putting a boy in possession of the more important facts recorded in the Bible and at giving him some knowledge of the more striking passages of Scripture, a few of which he learns by heart. In the Upper Forms he follows the syllabus prescribed by the Older Universities for the School Certificate Examination. Morning prayers are conducted by the Headmaster, assisted by the staff and the members of the Sixth Form, at the General Assembly of the School which is held each day before the routine teaching is begun. Evening prayers are also taken by the Headmaster before the boys retire to bed.

On Sundays the boys attend either St. Mary's Parish Church or the Methodist Church, according to the wishes expressed by their parents. The Vicar of Launceston prepares for confirmation those boys whose parents desire it.

The House System

On entering the College, a boy is placed in one of the four Houses into which the School is divided. Each of the Houses is under the control of a competent and experiences House Master, who is assisted by other members of the Staff. Each House elects its own Captain and other Officers, so that a number of boys may be gaining experience of administrative duties at the same time. The usual organization for games and other corporate activities is highly developed; a boy may earn his First or Second House Colours; he may also obtain his House Cap. These honours are quite distinct from the First and Second School Colours and Caps in the various games. The First and Second College Crowns are similarly awarded for Music and Drama.

The Headmaster makes a point of knowing each boy individually and intimately; under the House system a boy is able also to make a close friend of his House Master.