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[The Scout Hut]

School Life

The Educational Side

When a boy enters the School, he is placed in the Form for which, in the opinion of the Headmaster, he is most suited. The boy who enters the Third Form begins the stuffy of Latin and French and of Algebra and Geometry. Other studies are carried to a higher standard and the boy is introduced to the experimental method in Science, including Chemistry, Physics and Biology. He is given instruction in Art, and particular attention is paid to Manual Instruction and to Physical Training. In the Lower Fourth these subjects are developed further. In these and in all other Forms, highly qualified Masters are specially detailed to teach boys how to play games correctly. Several boys have played for the County Colts.

The Upper School

The boy who enters the Upper Fourth Form commences a three years' course of study for the School Certificate Examination of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge or for the Matriculation Examination of the University of London. In this Form a boy may begin to specialize in either Science or Languages. The Headmaster discusses the choice of courses with the boy and his parents and recommends the studies which will be most useful for his future career, and which are most suited to his abilities. The Science course includes Chemistry, Physics and Biology; and the language course adds Spanish to French, and is particularly useful in Commerce. Whichever is chosen, the following subjects are also taken:- English Language and Literature, History, Geography, Scripture, Latin, French (including spoken French), Mathematics and Art. The specialized courses are developed in the Lower and Upper Fifths, where the School Certificate Examination is taken. This gives exemption not only from the Matriculation Examinations of London and other Universities but also from the preliminary examinations of various Professional Bodies.