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[Memorial Window]

Buildings, etc.

The main School Buildings, fronting Dunheved Road, are the Assembly Hall and Classrooms, the Headmaster's residence and accommodation for boarders, including Common Room and Dining Hall.

A feature of the arrangements for Boarders is that separate bed-rooms (or double bed-rooms for brothers) may be allotted if parents so desire. The rooms and dormitories are well ventilated, and there are modern lavatories and bathrooms. The Changing Rooms are equipped with hot and cold shower baths. Each House is under the personal supervision of a resident member of the Staff, assisted by a Prefect and Sub-Prefect.

At one end of the Assembly Hall is a fine Memorial Window to Old Boys of the College who laid down their lives during the Great War.

The erection of the new blocks of Buildings adjoining the Assembly Hall was commences in 1931 - with Classrooms on the most approved modern principles, a very large Music Room in which the Orchestra meets, and a spacious and well-equipped Science Laboratory. The Foundation Stone was laid by the President of the Board of Education.

There is a large Gymnasium at one side of the Quadrangle; it is provided with modern apparatus, and the Physical Training of boys of all ages is carefully regulated by a specially qualified member of the Staff.

There are large Playing Fields which adjoin the School Buildings, with Tennis Courts and Fives Courts, and a very large Scout Pavilion.