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[Ariel View]


The College stands on a high ridge almost a mile from the ancient borough of Launceston. The town has a unique situation, clambering up the side of a precipitous hill, crowned by the ruins of one of the oldest Castles in Great Britain. The countryside, too, possesses great charm, and almost unconsciously by such surrounding there is engendered in boys, at an impressionable age, a real appreciation of the beautiful.

Eastward, Southward and Westward from the College Turret are the great heights of Devon and Cornwall - Dartmoor, Caradon and the Cornish Hills. The pure air of these uplands is concentrated here, nearly 600ft above sea level; and the remarkable health record of the School is sufficient proof of the qualities of the moorland air in conjunction with the Atlantic breezes from the rock-bound coast, not many miles away.

On School holidays the accessibility of this coastline and the Cornish and Devon Tors makes some delightful expeditions possible.


The School has been entirely free from any serious epidemic for many years. This health record is largely due to the fortunate situation of the School, together with regular and liberal meals, and proper supervision.

The Headmaster personally inspects each boy every morning and evening, so that the earliest symptoms of illness may be detected. Delicate boys are frequently sent, with entirely beneficial results, to the School for the benefit of the climate alone, which is bracing without being rigorous.

Meals, etc.

The College has always been famed for its extremely liberal diet. Ample time is given for meals and no boy is ever called upon for mental of physical exertion until a sufficient time after them has elapsed. The food is the best that can be procured and the diet is carefully balanced to meet the requirements of growing boys. The schedule of meals is changed every week and monotony is avoided.

The vegetables are grown in the extensive gardens attached to the School or are purchased from local farmers, so that they are always fresh.

The kitchens are equipped with modern devices and the whole of this department is under the control of a specially qualified Matron-Housekeeper of proved competence.