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The Canadian Adventure

Part 9 - 25th July 1997



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I've seen one at last - all of the signs were there, the rank smell, dusk, fine warm evening. Wandering through the ASZ (Active Skunk Zone) I cast my eyes about and lo and behold, frolicking on the lawn of a condo block, black and white bushy bits a-kimbo, a real live, cotton-picking, goddarned skunk.

I only need to see a live porcupine now to make my full set of picture postcard wildlife. I've seen a dead one, but they don't count.

Good skate tonight. I've decided it's time I learn to go backwards. Everyone make its look so easy that I can't believe I'm finding it so hard - I stand on the spot, twitching a bit around the buttocks as instructed, and elegant graceful rearward motion entirely fails to ensue. Forward - piece of cake. On the occasions when I have found myself going backwards down a hill it always ends up with my clutching a bruised backside and trying not to wail. Doubtless it will just happen one day.