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The Canadian Adventure

Part 7 - 14th December 1996



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This is it, I'm demob happy, my shorts are packed and the bulk-buy suntan oil is ready for some serious action. I mentioned my destination to one of the Australians here and was met by a look of disbelief and the opinion: "No-one goes to Kalgoorlie". After suggesting that the moon was probably more accessible than this most remote of cities he wandered off shaking his head.

Then stopped and added "You do know it's going to be hot, don't you?". I think he was jealous.

I'm going to stop over in Cairns for a few days on the way over. This is a prelude to a longer trip I'd like to do there in a couple of years. I won't have time to do much this time, but I'd like to catch the steam train to Kuranda, and see some of the rain forest stuff. I should probably take in a marsupial or two as well.

I hope you all have a fine Xmas, wherever in the world you happen to be. Keep the emails coming, or my only contact with the UK will be through the Electronic Telegraph. That nice Mr Major seems to be having a bit of a bad week. And Morrissey too...

Make sure your bells jingle all the way... ShaunyC