Perth 2001

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This is the base of the Carillon belltower in the CBD. Another view of the belltower.  This one was taken from the waterfront, which runs along in front of the CBD and is mostly gardens and cycle paths. It's crying out for a decent ice cream shop... This is the CBD, looking back from the waterfront.  While I was taking this a photographer for the local government was photographing me.  I may achieve lasting fame in a Perth tourist brochure. Chez Clark.  Our four bedroom bungalow in sunny Mount Pleasant (ignore those grey clouds in the background).  The previous owner planted forty rose bushes - they smell fabulous. The lounge. The other end of the lounge, looking through into the family room.  The family room was too much of a tip for me to photograph it... Dining cubby-hole. Ah, the patio!  Shaded, and an ideal location to knock back gin and tonic by the gallon. Lemon tree in the garden.  We get about twenty lemons a week, and as a result we drink vast quantities of lemon squash. Our rather long and narrow driveway.  The big tree is a jacaranda, and although it wasn't in flower when I took the picture, it's now covered in purple flowers. The street outside our house.  The purple trees are jacarandas - they grow all over the city, and are mostly much bigger than these. The shops at the end of the road.  Liquor store, chemist, butcher, baker, deli, veggie shop, coffee shop.  No need to ever leave the neighborhood! Sunset on Applecross beach.  Good place to walk the dog. Applecross beach again - the wind was howling in off the water when I took this. One of many good dog-walking beaches. Jasper and our friend's dog Dana cooling off. Jasper checks out some of the local wildlife.  These pelicans are bigger than he is, so he's staying well clear of them! Blue Gum Lake, just across the road from our house. Blue Gum Lake. A Kangaroo Paw flower.  I think that this is Western Australia's emblem.  I reckon it was inspiration for the Triffids. Cat's Paw flowers.  A relative of Kangaroo Paws. The seed stalk of a grass tree.  The spike is about six feet high. The Piney Lakes Reserve, another favorite dog walking area.  In spring the flowers were amazing. Canning Inlet.  We live pretty much righ in the middle of this picture, some way up the hill. One of the reservoirs in the Stirling Hills.  All that red soil is supposed to be underwater, hence our current sprinkler bans. A pelican at Mandurah. Pink and grey gallahs in the Stirling Hills. The CBD from Wireless Hil lookout.  Look for the purple jacaranda trees. Strickland Reserve cricket oval.  This is the place we take Jasper to run around with all his puppy friends.