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Perth Lakes



We're lucky enough to be living in an area that has plenty of lakes. Blue Gum lake is closest to the house. Click on the thumbnail to see the bigger picture.

These photos were taken with the sun was low in the sky - it's early spring here. There were quite a few birds feeding, and plenty of noise from the local insects.
Blue Gum Lake usually has several dozen White Ibis feeding and roosting on the south side. Nearby Booragoon Lake has one of the two breeding colonies in Perth. They like to roost in the dead tree to the right of the picture. I took a picture with a long lens, but I'll have to get the film processed before I can put it here.
Looking west from the east end of the lake.
A touch of manipulation on this shot. In contrast to tall'n'straight Canadian evergreens, Australian trees are twisted and gnarly.