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Australian Flowers



These flower shots were taken either in our garden or in the streets close to the house. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger photo.

[Azalia] There are half a dozen different azalias in the drive, and on the patio. This one is the best.
[Bain] I cheated a bit on this one as I saw it on the beach where we walk the dog. It is called Bain and has fleshy three-sided green leaves that start off red and change colour as they get older. They sometimes have pink flowers.
[Bottlebrush] These bottlebrush flowers are just coming out as spring arrives. They grow on fairly big trees which look great when they have lots of flowers on them.
[Flame Tree] Flame trees grow masses of these flowers before they get any leaves on them. When the flowers die off the leaves grow. Quite spectacular.
[Geraldton Wax] These are the Geraldton Wax flowers that Eve's mum and dad used to grow for a living. You see them both in gardens, and growing wild like the ones in the picture.
[Honeysuckle] This honeysuckle looks a bit the like English variety, but is a different colour, and has a different fragrance.
[Orange] This flower doesn't look like much, but it has the the most amazing scent. You can smell it all over the garden as the sun begins to go down. And when the flowers disappear, oranges grow in their place...
[Pink Flower] I don't know what this is, but they grow beside Blue Gum Lake, just across the road.
[Pink Roses] The last owner of the house must have had a thing about roses. There are at least 30 bushes along the driveway, and around the front of the house.
[Yellow Roses] This bush has about a dozen massive heads on it.
[Purple flower] I'm not sure what these flowers are either. Heaps of them appeared on what I thought was a dead stick growing up against the shed.
[Wild Flower] I don't know what this is either. It looks a it like a crocus, and grows wild all over the place.